Walrus Art

Have fun crafting this cute walrus. Take some time to learn about animals in the arctic and then create this walrus. All you need to do is print out the pieces and glue together. You can certainly get creative and add googly eyes or other items to create the tusks or whiskers.
Print out the templates onto colored cardstock or construction paper.

Then, cut out the pieces and get ready to glue together. Glue the feet to the bottom.

Cut and glue pieces together, it is so simple.
Next, glue the pieces to create the face. Add face detail and tusks directly underneath.

Glue face piece and tusks.
To draw the nose, use a marker. Turn the walrus to the side and draw a capital D. This will be the nose, then color in the nose completely. Next add whiskers below the nose and finally draw eyes at the top of the head. You can also glue on googly eyes as well.