Valentine's Day Books

Valentine's Day is a great time to read and share stories of friendship and caring about others. Check out these books to read.
1. “The Day it Rained Hearts” by Felicia Bond: This is a great book about friendship and creating valentines, so you may want to even read it prior to Valentine’s day. The main character, Cornelia Augusta, goes outside one day and it is raining hearts! She goes around collecting as many hearts as she can. When she heads inside, she thinks about how Valentine's day is approaching. She then decides to use the hearts she collected to create special valentines for her friends. She carefully thinks and creates a unique valentine for her friends. We see her creations at the end as they are delivered to her friends in the mail.
2. “Guess How Much I Love You” by Sam McBrantney: This is a sweet bedtime story or a way to get elementary aged children to think about comparing in their writing. Little Nutbrown Hare and Big Nutbrown Hare compare how much they love each other as Little Nutbrown Hare gets ready for bed.
3. “Tiny T. Rex and the Impossible Hug,” by Jonathan Stutzman and Jay Fleck: Tiny T. Rex has tiny arms which makes it impossible to hug his friend when he needs cheering up. He seeks out members of his family to help him learn to hug.
4. “I Need a Hug,” by Aaron Blabey: Everybody needs a hug sometimes, but who will cuddle with a porcupine? Porcupine soon finds a friend who he can hug. Sometimes it is about finding a friend who appreciates you!
5. “Group Hug,” by Jean Reidy: This book is full of rhyming words which is great for early readers and always makes reading predictable and fun! This is a great book about how great a simple hug can make someone feel.
6. “Froggy’s First Kiss” by Jonathan London: The Froggy series is a great group of books. As a teacher I always used them to show inflection in my reading and the kids loved them! This one gets the kids laughing and a little grossed out by Froggy’s crush.
7. 7. “Somebody Loves you, Mr. Hatch” by Eileen Spinelli: Quiet Mr. Hatch receives a giant valentine with a card that says someone loves him. But, who sent the valentine? Read to find out who sent the mysterious giant box of chocolates and changed Mr. Hatch’s outlook on things.
8. “A Little Spot of Love on Valentine's Day” by Diane Alber: Love Spot show his appreciation to all the other Spots and all they have taught us on Valentine’s Day. This is such a great book on finding the positive in all things and loving everyone!
9. “The Love Letter” by Anika Aldamuy Denise: A simple letter makes a BIG difference to all who read it and helps them see the importance of friendship and love.
1 10. “This is NOT a Valentine” by Carter Higgins: Valentines are pretty, beautiful, contain sugary candy and pretty flowers, right? A valentine is sort of whatever someone else enjoys and knowing that is what love and friendship are about.
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