Stick and Stone a Perfect 10

"Stick and Stone" by Beth Ferry is a great story to read aloud to children. It tells the story of Stick and Stone who are both lonely. They soon become friends, playing together, helping each other and depending on each other in tough times. This story is a great book covering the topics of friendship, bullying and bravery.
After reading this book, a great, easy craft can be created. In the story, Stick is referred to as a one and Stone is referred to as a zero. Together they make a PERFECT 10! Use construction paper and a black marker to make Stick and Stone.
- Brown and blue construction paper
- Black marker
- Scissors
- Glue Stick
- Stick and Stone a perfect 10! template
- "Stick and Stone" by Beth Ferry

- Draw a circle with a black marker on the lighter brown paper.

- Use black marker to draw eyes and smile on Stone.

- Create Stick by tearing the dark brown paper into a stick shape. There is really no wrong way to create him, let your child be creative.
- Cut 4 small strips of paper to create Stick's arms and legs. Glue them in plac to create Stick's body.

- Use the black marker to draw a face on Stick.

- Glue Stick and Stone down to the blue paper. Be sure to glue Stick on the left and Stone on the right. Add the labels to the paper.

- Complete by gluing "A Perfect 10!" at the bottom of the paper.

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