Red + Yellow makes Orange

When learning about colors children can start by by identifying the primary colors The primary colors are red, blue and yellow. After they can learn to mix these primary colors to create secondary colors. Secondary colors are orange, green, purple.
Let your child learn about mixing the colors red and yellow while making a fall tree. This activity will let your child mix the colors to create a tree with red, yellow and orange on it. They will love the magical surprise as they see orange appear.
First download this FREE tree printable. Print out on white paper or cardstock. Cardstock is recommended for painting.

Gather other supplies needed. I used red and yellow paint and sponges for painting. I used clothespins to to hold the sponges to make this project less messy.

Use paint and sponges to mix the two primary colors to make orange.
Start with one color, I find it best to do a small section at a time so the paint does not have time to dry and the colors mix well. Sponge on the first paint color in one area and then add the next color. Let your child know they may need to spread the paint around to mix the colors.

Mixing colors on this tree create a fall beauty.
Continue painting until you are happy with the trees leaves.