Pinecone Zinnias

Turn some pinecones into a beautiful bowl of zinnias for your home. You can find some pinecones out in nature if you are lucky enough to have some close by. However, I purchased mine on clearance after Christmas. I honestly had them for several years before I decided what to do with them. I love how easy this craft was and how lovely the end result is.
Simply use some acrylic paint on top of the pinecones. I did several coats and if you see mine could have probably used a little more paint. You really need a smaller brush to get into the smaller spaces on the pinecone.

I chose a variety of pastel colors for my zinnia pinecones. Use some bright yellow paint to add the details to the middle of the pinecone. Once you are satisfied with your paint allow the pinecones to fully dry. Apply some kind of sealer to your finished zinnias. I used a modge podge and they held up well in my garage as I stored them to put out again in the spring.