Pig the Pug Retelling Puppet

Oh My Goodness, this book is too cute. Grumpy Pig the Pug doesn't want to play with Trevor the Weiner dog. Read "Pig the Pug" by Aaron Blabey aloud with your child to see what happens.
Retelling is an important pre reading and reading comprehension skill. As you read the story, tell your child to think about what is happening. Let them know you will be creating a Pig the Pug puppet to summarize the story afterwards.
A summary is a short retelling of the story. The retelling puppet will add to the fun when retelling this story. Ask your child to retell the story like the character as well. How can you retell the story like the character? Well, instruct them to match the character's voice as they summarize the story. Tell them their voice should match the character's tone and the character's feeling in the story.
When your child uses the retelling puppet to summarize the story, remind them to make sure that the story will make sense to someone who had never read the story. Start at the beginning and have them tell the most important parts. Then follow up with the important parts of the middle and how the end of the story wraps up.
Some ways you can lead them in summarizing the story are:
- Say the beginning of the story in a shorter way.
- Tell me the most important thing that happen.
- Are the parts of the story connected in the correct way? Are they in the correct order?
- What are the most important part of the middle of the story?
- What is the most important part of the end of the story?
- What do you think might happen next?
- Would you like to read another story about this character?
- Tan, black and white Construction paper
- Hot glue gun
- Jumbo Popsicle stick
- Marker
- Scissors
- Fold your paper diagonally to create a triangle. Cut off the rectangle piece at the bottom. Keep this paper folded in a triangle shape to create the pug.

- Add a black circle to the bottom point of the triangle. Shape the black circle to create the shape of the muzzle.

- Fold down corners to create ears. Make sure they are hanging down off the side of the face. I then covered them in black paper.

- Next, glue the black shape you created for the mouth/nose.

- Use a black marker to draw on the details of the pug's mouth and nose.

- Draw eyes using white paper. Glue them onto the tan paper. After, add brown pupils and white dots to create the eye details.

- Flip the puppet over and attach a jumbo popsicle stick with a hot glue gun on the back of the puppet.

Pig the Pug is now completed!

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