Handprint Owl Craft

Create this adorable owl this fall. When I was teaching, I always taught about owls in the fall. I incorporated activities into reading and writing lessons. Allow your child to create this owl, it is easy to customize in any color. You can even let your child get creative and make it in any color, even if not a realistic color.
Print out the owl on any color paper, you can also chose to create the owl on your own. The shapes are pretty easy to draw with a little bit of direction.

Print this page or create your own owl body.
Next, you will need to trace and cut out handprints. Have your child fold a piece of paper in half. Show your child how to trace their hand. I like to explain to children that by folding the paper in half they will be tracing and cutting out their hand once. However, in the end they will get two hands to use for their owl craft.

Fold a piece of paper in half to trace and cut out two hands at one time.
After, cut out the other pieces of the owl. I decided to color my feet black before cutting out. Again, this is another time to show kids how it is easier to color and then cut out the feet. This way it is okay of they go outside the lines, since they will be cutting the feet out after coloring.

Color and cut out the feet and the owl's body.
Glue the eyes on the owl's body. Use scrap paper to create a beak for your owl. Glue the feet to the bottom of the owl.

Glue eyes, beak and feet to your owl.
Finally, add handprints as the wings of the owl. Use markers to decorate and add details to the owl.