25 Free Kindle Books for your Child

Amazon has so many amazing books to choose from. While I love reading physical books, especially with children, summer is a great time for reading books on devices. It is easier to travel with a small digital device than to lug around a stack of books for you child. Below is a list of 25 summer books I recommend for FREE download on your Kindle. It is a great time to sign up for a FREE trial of Kindle Unlimited as there are many books that are free with a subscription. You can also choose a variety of other Kindle Subscriptions available: Kindle Unlimited 6 month membership, Kindle Unlimited 12 month membership, or the Kindle Unlimited 24 month membership.
- "Our Class is A Family" by Shannon Olsen

- "The Three Little Pigs Retold With DINOSAURS!" by E.B. Adams

- "Aqua Paws" by Stella Maris

- "Frances Flamingo: Prima Ballerina" by Dottie Lee

- "Ten Little Sandpipers" by Kim Ann

- "Underwater ABC" by Barbara Pinke

- "Impatient Dinosaur" by Sarah Read

- "Rory : An Orca's Quest For The Northern Lights" by Sarah Cullen

- "The Giraffe Who Found Its Spots " by Adisan Books

- "Who Pooped On Me?" by David Cunliffe

- "Nut Free Squirrel" by Matthew Sullivan

- "John's Adventures at Yellowstone Park" by JoAnn M. Dickinson

- "Little Dinos Don't Bite" by Michael Dahl

- "The Chimpansneeze" by AAron Zenz

- "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: No Place Like Earth " by Susan Amerikaner

- "The llama who didn’t like lemonade " by Paper Dahl Publishing

- "Sleep, Big Bear, Sleep!" by Maureen Wright

- "My Pteranodon Has A Sneeze " by Elwyn Tate

- "The Owl Who Stole the Moon" by J.P. Anthony Williams

- "Ten Crazy Ladybirds" by Norris M.

- "My Crocodile Doesn't Bite" by Joe Kulka

- "10 Little Hotdogs" by John Himmelman

- "Dino-Wrestling" by Lisa Wheeler

- "Pete the Cat: Construction Destruction" by James Dean

- "I'll Follow the Moon" by Stephanie Lisa Tara

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