Blast off to School

Heading back to school is always a fun and exciting time. Kids are eager to return to their routine and friends after a restful summer. There is always excitement about new classroom, teachers and friends. Celebrate this exciting time with a fun and easy activity. This rocket would be perfect to display on a bulletin board in the hallway. Add the title, Blast off to Kindergarten ( or other grade level) to show your class's explosive start to the new school year.
This is a fun, quick activity for kids to do and shows off their creativity and coloring skills. As a Kindergarten or first grade teacher it is a great opportunity to observe child holding and using crayons and using scissors. You may even need to teach your class how to use scissors properly.
- Crayons or markers
- White cardstock
- Scissors
- Picture of each child ( I prefer this ) or allow them to draw a self portrait on the rocket
- Rocket template
- Provide each child with a copy of the rocket template. I recommend printing on white cardstock

- Allow children to color any way they would like. Show your sample, however encourage children to be creative and to color the rocket how they would like.

- Have students add a drawing of themselves on the circle or the rocket ship. You can also place a picture of each child on the rocket.

Children can draw themselves or you can add a picture you take of them at school.