10 Wonderful books about Dads

Father's Day is a special time to celebrate all dads. I have complied a list of 10 Father’s Day Books that you will love. Read my summaries to find one that is just right. Any one of these books would make an amazing gift for Father's Day. Add you child's name or perhaps their handprint to the inside cover for a memory that will last forever. Your child will have a great time reading these books over and over with their dad.
- “Your Baby’s First Word Will Be Dada” by Jimmy Fallon: All the dads want their babies to say Dada. She what happens in this cute book.
- “My Dad Loves Me” by Marianne Richmond: Dads do so much for their kids, read to see what these animal dads do with their kids. This book gives you a great opportunity to ask questions about the text. Does your dad do any of these things? Which is your favorite?
- “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” by Michael Rosen: Go on this fun adventure as this family explores the outside on a bear hunt! Your child will enjoy reading with you as this book has repeated text for them to help you tell the story. This book also includes onomatopoeia/ Onomatopoeia is when words are used in a text are pronounced like the word they sound like.
- “Ask Me” by Bernard Waber: Spend the day with a little girl and her father as they explore, relax and ask questions.
- “Daddies Do It Different” by Alan Lawerence Sitomer: Mommy and Daddy are different but they both love you.
- “Daddy and Me” by Karen Katz: Help Daddy as you read and lift the flaps in this fun book.
- “Guess How Much I Love You” by Sam McBratney: Classic story about the love between Big Nutbrown Hare and his childLittle Nutbrown Hare. A sweet bedtime story you will want to read with your little one.
- “I Love My Daddy” by Sebastien Braun: Read this book to see all the important and fun things Daddies do for their little ones. Does your Daddy do any of these for you?
- “The Calendar Kids Meet June” by April Martin: School is out for the summer! June can’t wait for all the fun and summer trips her family plans. This year they are headed to the beach for Father’s Day and June needs the perfect Father’s Day gift for her Dad.
- “My Dad Has a Beard” by Kellen Roggenbuck: This is a fun book about a dad with a beard as his son tells silly stories. Does your dad have a beard? Do you wish your dad did have beard? Then you will love this book!
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